This is a progressive/auto-generated archive of my commitment to visual pollution between 2012 and 2016 at Royal Academy of Art-The Hague where I studied graphic design. The content of this page is programmatically collected and processed from my old HDD drive. The content is updated in form of small batches till the day I finish archiving all the projects of these 4 years

2014 / data scraping / information consumption / online reader / research / ui/ux / web surfing / website / wikipedia /

related projects: research-tracker(4)happiness(2)archive of nostalgia(1)canvas(1)chomunt poster(1)dhs poster(1)1 week of my life: poem(1)1 week of my life: color breathing(1)moral identity(1)new currency text society(1)prove me wrong(1)region(1)gray(1)

The Tomorrow Book, a school assignment, is one of my early attempts to experiment with text driven design. Within this assignment, I studied various types of content containers in a digital environment and questioned the different reading experiences digital and analogue readers have to offer. As result, the Tomorrow Book was transferred onto a website where it claims that “a new container requires new content”. This website uses Wikipedia articles in order to generate new reading narratives for books.

/conceptpresentation_final-01-0xpresentation_final-02-0xpresentation_final-03-0xpresentation_final-04-0xpresentation_final-05-0xpresentation_final-06-0xpresentation_final-07-0xpresentation_final-08-0xpresentation_final-09-0xpresentation_final-10-0xpresentation_final-11-0xpresentation_final-12-0xpresentation_final-13-0x  /html/contenttext.html  /processfirst_frq_analyze.xlsx  /publication  /research1857-0x7175e8d5627d3e865ece5a16463cc8ab-0x800px-pdaf_4-0x935724cc94cf5466edf7fe74e56db4a4-0xchartrepresentingtheextentpopulationandrevenueoftheprinciplenationsineurope_williamplayfair_1804-web-0xdefinite_content-flow2-0xhouse_of_leaves2-0xlorategi-hiriaren_diagrama_1902-0xprocessor_families_in_top500_supercomputers.svg-0xscheiner_1630_lg-0xtree-of-codes2-0x
Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at 21.45.53-0xScreen Shot 2018-08-07 at 21.46.07-0x