This is a progressive/auto-generated archive of my commitment to visual pollution between 2012 and 2016 at Royal Academy of Art-The Hague where I studied graphic design. The content of this page is programmatically collected and processed from my old HDD drive. The content is updated in form of small batches till the day I finish archiving all the projects of these 4 years

2014 / generative design / website /

related projects: 1 week of my life: poem(2)chomunt poster(2)1 week of my life: color breathing(2)prove me wrong(2)fontbook(1)2001 a space odyssey: round 3(1)2001 a space odyssey: round 4(1)archive of nostalgia(1)1 week of my life: collage(1)dhs poster(1)1 week of my life: publication(1)generated posters(1)gol o morgh(1)gray(1)happiness(1)new currency text society(1)2001 a space odyssey: round 1(1)sorted poster(1)tomorrow book(1)vavav band(1)

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