This is a progressive/auto-generated archive of my commitment to visual pollution between 2012 and 2016 at Royal Academy of Art-The Hague where I studied graphic design. The content of this page is programmatically collected and processed from my old HDD drive. The content is updated in form of small batches till the day I finish archiving all the projects of these 4 years

2012 / illustration /

related projects: 1 week of my life: collage(1)1 week of my life: color breathing(1)space(1)space(1)system design(1)typobike(1)vavav band(1)

/inspirations1226658496-0x1807_2885268817dd6c6l-0x1807_288734328f5b104l-0x4574154-vector-lustre-isoles-sur-le-fond-blanc-0x7084159-silhouette-of-a-restaurant-little-table-with-the-laid-cloth-a-wine-glass-a-shtof-and-a-dish-with-a-r-0xdin016_(1)-0x  /researchancient_greek_-0xgolden-0xitalian_renaissance-0xmideval-0xnorth_renaissance-0xposeidon-0xrenaissance-life-country-0x  /sketchesAI-untitled-3-0x  
